"A healthy response to fear is to give attention to it but not to surrender control.
Don't let fear keep you from crossing the threshold or stepping off the drop-off into what God has in store for you....you will not be consumed. God will rescue you and set your feet on solid ground.
But he is also standing closer than you'd ever imagine.
God is standing right there with you at the edge of the drop-off, holding out his hand to you, and he's practically bursting with the excitement of taking you with him.
...leave fear right there on the threshold.
We have been conditioned to believe God is the one who plays it safe.
We have convinced ourselves it's best to get out of this life and into heaven by taking as few risks as possible. We have tightened our seat belts and worn our helmets and washed our hands until they are raw. We have filtered our air and our water and our perspective, and we have let the fear of what might go wrong lead us down the path of insignificance."
All quotes from Deidra Rigg's book called Every Little Thing.