Sunday, September 20, 2015

Paying mind...

My husband continues to surprise me.  Being that he was raised in a more fundamental and conservative home (reformed Presbyterian/Southern Baptist) than I was (my folks were Methodist, though my mom sprinkled our household with some Pentecostal beliefs), he tends to not be too awfully vocal about his faith.  He'll witness freely to folks who come into his shop when the opportunity is appropriate, but to speak of angels or spiritual attack is a new thing with him.  These past few months very common talk in our house.  We know what we're talking about.

Today we were visited by thieves in our front yard while we were at church.  Now, I admit we have lots of stuff in our yard, but it's not that much, well, not much anymore.  Plants, a few ornamental things, decorative.  But you'd think they were all far enough from the curb that folks would keep their mitts off.  Well, no.

Some of you've heard this earlier today since I griped on FB.  Sympathy feels good.

Anyway, after dinner Gary said we needed to keep on our toes.  We've become lax in our prayers for protection, and even if you think lightly about our experience today, it's one in a series of contacts today.  A man-off-the-street got belligerent with him before services at church.  He was determined to talk to our priest, but Gary prevented him from disrupting things.  (And as I've mentioned before, yes, my husband and a couple of other members do come armed to church services.  Just because of this sort of occurrence.) Another person confronted him on our porch this afternoon, fabricating a wild story, wanting a handout.  Strange situations.  Out of the blue.  In our faces.  

"Seeking whom he may devour."

Stay prayed up.  The signs of intrusion are there, and we've prayed.  Been here before when the dark side has sidled up beside us.  

Stay on your spiritual toes.  As we become lax, the enemy becomes aware.  As our military son says, "Boots on the ground."