David Brazzeal's book Pray Like a Gourmet is a light-hearted, yet sincere manual to encourage creativity in prayer. He begins the book by talking about how mundane and ordinary are our eating habits. Being satisfied with junk or take-out food when there are so many other possibilities. And with that angle, he takes the reader through various ways of incorporating imagination into our prayer lives. Now, everyone doesn't need this help, but many folks would gain some ideas they'd maybe not thought of.
I get the impression he's directing the book toward those who've become jaded in their prayer walks, and need an encourager. With a joyful spirit, Brazzeal shares ideas (sadly, not food recipes, which I was hoping for), and has a great enthusiasm for his prayer journey.
My only complaint with the book regards design and not content. A yellow ink is used repeatedly as an accent with some phrases and is very difficult to read. Change that and you have a winner.
(i received this book free to review from speak easy)