Saturday, September 19, 2015

Saturday morning

Nothing hanging fire....I don't think.  

Chickens are out in the backyard, free-ranging.  Their coop area is large enough for the four of them (about 20x40'), but they've eaten every green leaf and bug in there.  Most mornings after we've let them out of the coop, they eat breakfast, scrounge around, then begin to make loud and unappealing noises until we let them out into the main yard.  So annoying.  They are so spoiled.

This morning I got up at 6;30, let them out and then got my tea.  Ate breakfast back with them, allowed them to be out and about for an hour and coaxed them back in their yard.  Thirty minutes later they're making racket.  

I'm such a push-over.  Out they go again and remain there now.

Can't blame them.  They just want their greens.  Thankfully we have some to spare, but if we let them free-range all day, we'd have a dirt backyard.

And so it goes with my dear little chickens.

* * *

Rest of the day will have to figure out dinner, go (alone?) to the library bookstore and just chill.  Have already set up the altar for tomorrow, so my church chores are done.  The day is pretty free and clear.  Maybe someone else will offer to cook dinner.  Will work it into the conversation. :)