Continual mild headache this week. Thinking I'll take the weekend off from thinking of troubling things. Had begun to ponder Thanksgiving, not surprising with it two months away. The cooler temperatures encourage these thoughts. Husband said we'll not have the wayward boys over for Thanksgiving dinner. I think my heart broke a little bit when he said that. Not that these particular sons would want to come over, but the reality of being told was upsetting. Shared with the younger girls and all they could say was (and with enthusiasm) a hearty yes. If I remember last year's Christmas photos, when stuff was still in the pre-hit the fan mode, I'll admit the kids who live here at home looked a bit shell-shocked. And the hard news wasn't even known yet. Son-who-just-got-married had moved in with his girlfriend and had wrung out our emotions in a constant stream for about two years. We'd had enough. Or thought we had. Well we had, just didn't realize more was on the way. Three knucklehead sons. More than enough.
A mom's heart is so fragile at times. Told Gary it was hard to think about the holidays and he agreed. The Lord quietly told me to follow my husband in this. To honor his wishes, realizing in my heart that he's right. Doesn't make it any easier
Back to the weekend.
I've been worrying things a little too hard, not sure why, but need a restoring couple of days. The girls and I hit the math and history pretty good yesterday, so might just do the Prayer Book readings, along with our Jane Eyre today. Wonderful read-aloud. Then buy some meat for stew, milk, and a couple of other things. Wait for a check to hit before buying for the weekend.
I require a quiet day. I yearn for it. Crave it.