Wednesday, December 16, 2009

'Julie and Julia' afternoon

Today has been my day.  The kids ate lunch with my mom, and I got 'Julie and Julia' at a Redbox and picked up a Greek salad at Fresh Market.  A totally delightful afternoon.  Not without its strange moments, however.  Had to call the kids to figure out how to make the DVD player work with the t.v.  Then the UPS man came by, startled me, and I tried to put the player on pause, only to succeed in turning it off.  Couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get back where I was, so ended up putting the disk in my laptop.  How much more elderly could I feel?!!

Anyway, a full lap of Pugs later, and I can completely say that I loved this movie.  My friends who've tried to impress on me how much fun the show is---well, they're completely right.  A treat for sure.  And we all know how much I've needed that.

Funny thing, though.  Was planning on making Potato Soup for dinner, but will stop by the store and find something a bit more fun to prepare.  Not a clue, but anything would be an improvement. :)  I'm figuring I'll have a different focus on dinner for awhile yet.  A good thing too!