Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Well, a sore throat is making the rounds---two sons have succumbed and their mother has quickly followed. Nuts. Seems we just got over that November virus and it seems too soon to have something else. The good news is that it runs its course in 3 days, or thereabouts. I'd just as soon be done with it, so I can enjoy the weekend before we begin school again on Monday.

Need to get the last of the Christmas decorations put away, including lights and wreaths outside. One son put away the tree for me (or did I mention that earlier in the week?), and I so appreciate that because I tend to get melancholy when I box up the ornaments---thinking ahead to what will be different when I get them out again. Not meaning to be dramatic, but I do get to wondering. A lot can happen in a year. Must remember the good things that are in the air, eh?