Just finished a cup of tea (had somehow gotten a small sampler of this tea in the mail---see photo---that tiny tin of 5 teabags) and part of a scone middle daughter made yesterday. She made me a big heart, and I've been nibbling on it. Dealing with a sore throat and sore shoulder muscles (related somehow), and trying to get into a relaxed sort of mood. No big plans for New Year's Eve, but staying in and being cozy.
Wanting a restful weekend, with healing children (a couple of others have been sick this week), and good eats. I feel the strong need to stay in and nest a bit. Putter around and put away stray Christmas decorations, and get the house back into shape. With December being stressful with the death of my friend only 3 weeks ago, I realize I've not allowed myself to process that information---staying just busy enough with consuming tasks that's prevented me from giving in to grief. Hope that makes sense. I think our bodies know when our minds are fragile, and our instincts oftentimes tell us one thing when practicality tells us another. And who wants to be practical, eh?
The house still sleeps (oldest children have days off today), and husband is about to go to work. Will go for now---back to bed with library book.
The house still sleeps (oldest children have days off today), and husband is about to go to work. Will go for now---back to bed with library book.