Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas Adam

Daisy the Pug is better (thanks for your sweet comments), but Violet the Pug is desperate to play with her.  The thing is, when Daisy gets excited, she begins to cough again, so has to be kept a bit quiet.  Hard for the girls to not be able to get together, but will give it a bit more time before allowing them to sniff and snuggle.  Plus I figure that a bit more time on the antibiotic will get her into 'not contagious' mode.  Maybe by tonight they can be in the same room for awhile. 

Like most folks, trying to get into a settled mindset.  Not easy with Christmas breathing down our backs.  No matter how much I plan on not getting frazzled, it just seems to be a part of the holiday package.  But if I look at things rationally, I can see that all is well.  Money's tight, but what else is new?  I realize I'm hugely blessed and need to focus on that.

And you know, when I take a breath and look beyond grocery store runs, last-minute chores and the clutter and dust that surrounds me---well, I can almost feel festive! ;)

(our church is calling tonight Christmas Adam, which goes together nicely with Christmas Eve tomorrow...i'd never heard that one, but love the humor of it!)