Feeling like a real person today for the first time in a LONG time. Woke up when oldest son left for work...sometime around 6am, and couldn't get back to sleep. Got up, had my tea and a smidgen of the coffee cake the little girls had made last night. Felt a bit energized so folded a multitude of clothes that were gathering dust, then began to straighten the kitchen counters, etc. Just felt good to be productive again. I've been so beaten up by life, it's wonderful to be moving around again.
Grief made me into a sodden clump of a person.
I know the family will appreciate this, seeing the house sparkle again (they do tidy up, but it's just not the same as the mom doing it, you know?), and having permission to have fun. 'Bout time.
Now must be on my merry way. I figure I'll crash soon enough, but it's not nap time yet!