Friday, December 18, 2009


  • watching 'Prancer' later on...time for my Sam Elliott fix
  • mailing package to in-laws
  • mixing up more cookie dough for gifts
  • shopping a bit, but not enough to drive me nuts
  • cleaning the house for the weekend
  • making out a plan of sorts for next week
  • hanging up outside lights
  • drinking copious amounts of Coke Zero to enable the above list to come to fruition
My list is likely a carbon copy of many other folks.  I tend to like to wait until the last minute for things....not so much procrastination, as joyful anticipation.  Depression has lifted, now time to enjoy.  My husband commented on everyone's Christmas lights outside as we drove home from the grocery store last night.  Said it was TIME we put ours out.  He said, "It's Christmas!  Hang up the lights!"  Can't be sad in his presence too awfully long.  He cuts to the chase, and glad I am of it. :)  Must be off now.