Friday, April 23, 2010

About that African Violet...

Thought you might like to see the African Violet my very trusting neighbor gave me the other evening. I've named it Mona, and we'll see how Mona likes living in this crammed full house of dogs and kids. Huh. I'll tell you, I'm way intimidated. See what she's sitting on? It's a dinner plate, full-sized and the plant is even broader than the plate. Bet you thought it was a saucer, at first, didn't you? One of the biggest darn African Violets I've ever seen. The thing is, my neighbor has about 10-15 of these monsters, and that's why I called her The African Violet Whisperer the other day. Oh, and one of the outer leaves was falling off when she gave it to me, and this friend says (whose name is Mary), "Just pinch it off and put it in a'll root." Oh goodie (shaking my head). I did, though (using rooting hormone, that I fortunately do have), and it's not wilted yet. Maybe there's hope.

Was considering taking Mona back to my neighbor because I don't feel quite up to the task of being responsible for her. My husband just laughed at me.

And like I've said, I used to have a green thumb, and have done mighty well with outdoor plants, but inside ones? Seems I often have a death grip on them. So they shudder and lean away when I come into the room, wondering if I'll overwater or do the opposite.

We'll see how this goes (seems I'm shuddering as well!).