Thursday, April 8, 2010

Winding down Thursday

Need grounding. Cutting and putting together some old nightgowns of mine to make the least one's dress. Imagine that. A bodice from one yellow sleeveless gown from April Cornell's outlet to be sewn onto a skirt from a blue/white Gilligan & O'Malley piece. Prettiness, and surprisingly simple. I'm taking it all in at the sides and will make an underslip to go with the skirt part. Might get a chance to pin and sew tomorrow after our outing.

Fourth son is about to make a couple of apple pies, and everyone else is doing quiet, night-time sort of things.

I've got a few library books to browse through, and that should put paid to the evening. Will see y'all on Friday. :)

(photo is cute spoon shelf husband has made...along with the spoons)