Thursday, April 8, 2010

Nothin' much to say

My laptop had been getting slower and slower in performance, besides the fan running on high----so yesterday took the plunge and made copies of everything important (and will likely have forgotten something), and then wiped the hard drive. Reloaded the CDs and now it runs so fast. This is the third time I've done this with this computer, and every time I'm pleased. Time will tell if the fan continues to run hard. Might need to use something to clean out dust in the underside.

Oh, and found that Mozilla/Firefox (my browser of choice) has what they call, Personas, there are a pair of birdies gracing the top of my toolbar now. Cuteness. When I downloaded Firefox again, I found that neat tweak.

Off to rest a bit more. To bed too late, dogs up too early. I need a nap!

And a word to to those east of us...the storm that hit here after dinner last's a doozy. Lots of rain and noise, but not much else. The benefit? Quite a bit cooler afterward. Enjoy!