Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Attempts at quiet

A bit of stress in the extended family just now. My aunt (who's in her late 80's) has been at home from the hospital for awhile, after beating pneumonia. The drama now is about my uncle who retired from a part-time job in October and is now at home all the time as well. I think they drive one another nuts. He doesn't have a hobby, unless you call my aunt his hobby. He's feeling down in the dumps, and she's healing up and still feeling weak, and it's just a mess.

My mom's all worked up about it, and then when she shares with me on the phone, I get all agitated as well. When there's no easy solution to a predicament, it's hard to find peace about it. I think we all want to solve it, but seems to me, the main characters have to settle this themselves.

::mental pause::

So this morning I've put a couple of egg whites in a pretty bowl on the counter to get to room temperature. Thought the little girls and I could try some Macarons with them later on. I want to get out my sewing as well. Am going to finish the least one's dress this week, and plan on making some felt doughnuts for a young friend. And beef stew to get on the stove later on. I bought a pretty little roast (one of those wrapped up in string) to cut up for it.

Grounding activities. I need things to do that settle my spirits. Will cut some roses when the sun goes down, read my library book at nap-time, and fold some clothes. Puttering and quietness. That's needed here, I'm thinking.

(photo is a free image from vintage workshop)