Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday evening

And sometimes you feel rankled and just can't put your finger on it. That's me here lately. It's like the feeling when you walk into a room and can't figure out why you went there in the first place. Or how you feel when you wake up in the morning and have forgotten overnight that you were upset when you went to sleep. Then you have to dredge it up again.

So goes my brain lately. And it's not forgetfulness, but an irritation that won't leave. So odd. It's like something's bothering me, but I don't have a clue as to what it is. Know what I mean?

Since we're paying respect to Good Friday tomorrow---no school, and hopefully no out-of-the-house chores, maybe I can get a grip on my mood.

It started when I visited a neighbor Tuesday night after dinner, and came home just scratching my head. Something bothered me about that time with her, but can't place it. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, but still, it's strange.

One of my problems is that I'm really sensitive to places and what you can't always see. Don't mean to sound all New Agey, because it's not that. It's more of a discernment that I sometimes wish I didn't feel. There have been times when I've been to folks' houses or even to stores and have left early because of a weight that landed on me while I was there. (wonder if anyone's left the blog by now?) I only make this distinction, because I was fine when I crossed the street to go to this woman's house, and came home feeling differently.

Time to go pray, I'm thinking.