Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Books...always the books

Dealing with book gluttony just now, feeling stuffed to the gills with a pile of books on my bed. Wonderfulness, indeed. Dropped by the library after a grocery store run to get a book that I'd placed on hold, Dominque Browning's 'Paths of Desire: The Passions of a Suburban Gardener', and I got to looking at the 7-day books and came away with quite a few. The best catch was Robin Pilcher's 'The Long Way Home' and already I'm hooked. His writing is so much like his mom's (Rosamunde Pilcher), but might be even a bit better, though I hesitate to say that. I think she's a bit lighter in her style and subject matter, but with him being male, maybe that makes a difference. Also got a few others...a new Ted Dekker for one son who's a big fan, and a couple more for me. Good thing that the library doesn't limit how many 7-days a person can check out in one fix (fix seems the appropriate term for someone like me who's an addict to reading).

Oh, and got a book in the mail to review, which makes me feel like a grown-up...along with the new 'Victoria' magazine. AND, picked up the movie, 'The Young Victoria' at Redbox. Man, I'm jolly.

Must go clean so that the day appears like I did something useful to for the other members of our family. ;)