Saturday, April 10, 2010

Saturday morning

This is one of those days when I need to hear less talking around here. My brain is full. Yesterday went fine with taking my mom to visit my aunt at the hospital/dropping off dinner to my uncle/going to the library. And coming home with piles of library books and having the kids nestle down for nap-time is always restful. Love that.

But afterward, I was drained. Even though my aunt is better (thanks for the prayers), and that my husband has more work coming in the shop, and that the weather this weekend couldn't be better---still, I'm pooped. My mind is scattered too much of the time. Too many details, and way too many folks bidding for my time. An abundance of *too's*. :)


Deep breaths.

Oldest daughter was digging into the cookbooks last night, trying to find a new recipe to make for Sunday night dinner. We were talking and I mentioned that I tend to tense up with the little girls come into the room, because they ALWAYS have a request. Always. Whether it's to have the rest of the water in the tea kettle, for someone to cut up an orange, or even more simple askings for someone to plug in the toaster---it's always something. It drains the mind.


More deep breaths.

Must work on coping skills. Not succeeding too well in that area, I guess. Really need not to make too much of things, but to look at life in little bites.

Or maybe I'll just bite the girls.