Saturday, April 17, 2010

The list for today...

  • finishing up the dress for the least one, made out of cast-offs (will post a photo when it's done)
  • a trip to the grocery store for the weekend's supplies and dinner/cake for the least one, who turns 8 on Monday
  • time to browse books and magazines to get inspired (have lagged in this department, lately, to my chagrin)
  • a much-needed nap and finishing up a library book (re-reading Joanna Trollope's 'Second Honeymoon')
  • attempts at not overdoing this weekend, since Saturday and Sunday tend to get a bit scrabbledy
  • church this evening with a simple dinner at home afterward (hot dogs and baked beans)
  • followed up by a quiet time at home tonight---can't beat that with a stick :)