There's nothing that I *have* to do today. Ahhh. A couple of the kids went with me to buy the weekend's groceries last night, and all I have to do today is make dinner. Literally. And even that is a breeze with tuna salad sandwiches and pasta salad as a side. Not autumn fare, but easy, yes?
Hope to keep in mind the thought processes behind Capon's The Supper of the Lamb and not whip through my preparations, but to actually enjoy the event of making a meal. Honestly, after cooking in a hurry for so many years, it's an adjustment to slow down my mind. And this needs to apply to everything I do around here. With so many children, the habit is to do every task in double-time, and then hurry through the next thing, and then collapse into bed at night.
Not very satisfying.
And as I've read before, things don't get done any quicker or really any better when they're rushed through. An ironic truth, I guess.
So, here's a toast to pumpkin-scented candles and pink pansies in small pots. Simple joys. :)