Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A wonderful day

Rainy, soggy, with the front yard full of our sweet neighbor's pretty tulip poplar leaves.  Windows up here and there, where they won't take in too much of the drips, and children behaving nicely.  Trying to think of something cozy for dinner, and am enjoying all of this with a settled mind.  Truly the rain is so good for my mental health.  With a dry, dry summer behind us, this is ultra-dishy.

It was sort of scary windy last night, though.  The gusts were way up there, but not sure what that exactly means.  Had a hard time getting to sleep and it was likely near 2am before I could rest.  As I told some friends, with our old Oak in the backyard, I get sort of antsy when we have much wind.  All is well, though.  No limbs down and just plain old good rain.

Now it's time to bake. :)