Monday, October 25, 2010

The book idea

So, I've been bellyaching about the need for a book about housekeeping, but with a spiritual spin to it.  That's putting what I've been looking for in a pretty basic category, but it's what I want.  My goal is to attempt to write it myself.  Ha.  We'll see how this flies.  I'm already signed up for the NaNoWriMo writing challenge for the month of November, and hopefully that'll get me to quit just thinking about writing it, and actually get on with it.  Fourth son (who's 17) also writes, and has already finished a novel to send out (and he bought me a new Mead notebook today as well, as encouragement---they're my favorite!).  He's on the hunt for an agent and turns out, is my greatest fan---outside of Gary.  They both push me to write, and I get busy doing necessary, yet mundane things (that's what I'm talking about).  Maybe my focus can be better since I'm admitting my goal to you all.  You think?

That said, there are two books out there that I really love, those being: 
  • The Pace of a Hen by Josephine Moffett Benton
  • The Quotodian Mysteries (Laundry, Liturgy and Women's Work) by Kathleen Norris
They're similar to what I want, but I have something slightly different in mind.  Maybe as I jot down ideas, it'll come to me.  Maybe I'll know it when I see it.  But at least I'll try.

And as Gary's uncle who passed away on Saturday morning said a few days previous to the weekend---"if you'd just pray me through"---I'll say the same. And if you could say 'atta girl' from time to time, I'd appreciate that as well. :)