Friday, October 29, 2010

Slightly dizzy this morning, so I made an egg on toast. Took my iron and will just cool it a bit today. Sometimes this is just what happens. It's chilly in the house, besides, and while I'm not of a mind to turn on the heat yet, will just cozy up in a chair with pugs for heat.

Middle daughter turns 12 on Sunday, so need to plan the shopping this weekend for her dinner and all. Have already bought her most important present, a Fashionista Ken, and he's called Hottie, which I think is a laugh. Like the hat, though. :)

Glad I got part of the house tidied up yesterday.  With the kids at my mom's it was nice to clean and talk to myself.  Needed to do that.  As for today, there's navy bean soup for dinner and maybe something to bake to warm up the house.  Not much else going except for taking two of the boys to work.  I think I can handle that.

Gonna take it slow.  Oldest daughter told me on the phone from work that the only thing I have to do is figure out what movie for us to rent this evening.  Simple pleasures.  The best kind.