Yeah, me changing the header again. It's my female prerogative, yes?
Went out with oldest daughter for a bit this afternoon, after dropping third son off at work. She and I went to, what we call, the hippie store where we buy our China Rain scent. My first mistake was picking up a tester bottle and spraying my wrists and Daughter's neck. The scent had spoiled and we ended up smelling like wet dog!!! Not easy to back up and rectify a mistake like that. Yuck. Quickly picked up a lotion tester of the same scent to try to mask the smell. Thankfully it worked, but it put us so off of shopping that we walked out without buying anything. It was a shame that they'd increased the prices quite a bit as well. Oh bother.
Considering a bit of an Internet break. My brain is dealing with too much noise, you know? Must put stop to at least some of it. Will get back to you on that, but if I seem absent for awhile, you'll know why.