Monday, October 18, 2010

Dusting off the art supplies

Spent an hour or more watching the first video that goes with the art class (mentioned below) and had such a good time.  The kids, for the most part, left me alone and I was able to have on my headphones and delegate their behavior from my seat of power in the dining room.  All went well. :)

Today I've spent a bit of time doing the assignment, arranging the art supplies I already have---a 5x5" hand+book journal with yummy paper which I'd already done some watercolor pencil/ebony pencil sketches in, my drawing/watercolor pencils and other bits.  I've got enough to get started.  Wish I had some gesso since she uses this right off the bat (but here's a recipe to make something similar, yet non-toxic---or you can just make homemade plaster of paris as a substitute which is water/glue/flour), but will have to hold off buying anything until Gary's current jobs are finished and paid for.  Think I'll just spring for a simple drawing pad (larger than I have) and some watercolor crayons.  Bet I can come up with a Michael's coupon for those.

Anyway, my brain was so happy after I'd had *me* time.  Note to self:  must do it more often.