Just finished cleaning the kitchen---wiping down the cabinets and counters with diluted tea tree oil (smells pretty dishy), opening the window over the sink a bit wider, dusting the pictures that hang on the walls, doing about five loads of clothes in the washer, and the eternal cleaning-up-after-the-dogs sort of tidying. Son #4 bathed the pugs, so now they smell better. There's something about pugs and while they're not stinky dogs, they do get a bit musty when they've not had a bath in awhile. Well honestly, who doesn't?!!
Next on the list is a good dusting and vacuuming of the living/dining rooms and the kids are supposedly doing their rooms. Housework is holding sway over schoolwork at this moment and we're calling it domestic science (thanks for the idea a bit ago, Bonnie). I do like the house to be clean for the weekend, since all cleaning up seems to fall apart once Saturday comes.
All housework to be followed by movie night with Gary and we'll eat apple pie. Glad I hijacked his possible plans of working a bit late. He rarely does stay longer on the weekends, but he wants to get paid, so work late he must. Now to get the client/designer to pony up.
Enjoy your day!
(painting from currier and ives)