Thursday, October 28, 2010

Needing quiet

Kids lunching and doing schoolwork at my mom's, plus helping her around the house (mopping, dusting, vacuuming).  I'm now at home with dogs, Violet the pug in my lap, with the afternoon ahead of me.  Honestly I've felt like a pole in the middle of a room being hit repeatedly with those bumper cars.  The cars being driven by my noisy children and neighbors.  Man.

And it's interesting...I made a comment to our oldest daughter about how fast some of these kids talk.  She says it's because everyone's trying to fit a word in edgewise, so to speak, so they have to talk quickly so as to be heard.  Drives me nuts.  I feel like someone turned up the speed in the room. 

Even my mom asked me today if they always talk at once.  I said that she either has the option to tune into one conversation, or to just mentally turn all of it off.  I choose Plan B. :) 

Think I'll putter around the house, and maybe re-arrange things a bit.  That's always settling to my overworked brain.