Wednesday, October 20, 2010

'The Twelfth Imam' by Joel C. Rosenberg

Joel C. Rosenberg's newest book, The Twelfth Imam, is just as engrossing as his other Middle Eastern-themed books.  His characters are believable and the pace is consistent through the whole book.  

From the back cover:  "As David [Shirazi] begins to infiltrate Iranian government circles, news spreads throughout the region of a mysterious cleric claiming to be the Islamic messiah known as he Mahdi or the Twelfth Imam.  News of his miracles, healings, signs, and wonders spread like wildfire, as do rumors of a new and horrific war."

My only concern is that Rosenberg has a gift/knack for being mildly prophetic.  Many times his books foretell events that actually happen, or come close to happening.  Very chilling, and considering the prophetic topnotes of this story, I hope this book doesn't come true.  To tell more would be giving it all away. :)

Oh, and by the ending it appears that there's more to come.  Good news for Rosenberg fans.

(this book was provided free to review by tyndale house)