Mondays have turned out to be stormy sorts of days. Oldest daughter invited me out to lunch today, and after we'd been driving en route to McDonald's only around 5 minutes, the bottom dropped out of the sky, and the tornado sirens began howling. AGAIN. Toyed with the idea of turning around and going back home, but she called back at our house, to have one of the boys check the radar on the t.v. Apparently the worst had already passed, while we were driving, so continued on to our destination.
We had a good time. This daughter is so silly, and just people-watching with her is fun. I forget how to be nonsensical because I'm spending so much time being an adult (cue the laugh track), and it's good to be around kids and enjoy them just being kids, even if this particular child is 23 years old. Still, she's a real joy to be around, and for that, I'm grateful.
Went to a couple of shops to browse after lunch, and were able to relax more since the rain had stopped and the sirens as well. Finished up at a cancer park near our home we'd driven by plenty of times, but had never stopped to visit. I'd heard they had a labyrinth walk and was curious. I remember first reading about labyrinths a few years back and was leery as to their purpose---thinking New Age thoughts, no doubt. Anyway, oldest daughter wasn't interested in walking it, but timed me to see how long it took, and she very quietly said, "Ooooom" while I walked. See? Not a very serious child. :) Anyway, took me 5 minutes and the thing that was interesting was that it calmed me down. Here it is, nearly an hour later, and I still feel it. Must be something about focusing on one thing that's centering (there's that New Age-speak coming out again) and settling to my mind.
And no, for anyone suspecting me of being ill with cancer, that's not the case. Just wanted to walk in that little park. I do wear a pink silicone HOPE bracelet, but that's more as an encouragement for me to keep my chin up, rather than a tribute to those with cancer. Have had my share of friends/family who've had cancer, but it's mostly been limited to lung cancer. Me and everybody else.
Anyway, hope you have a sweet day. Still praying for Gary's workshop to have a bang-up week. The Lord is quietly in the background, but I know He's there. If He's allowing this period of stillness, then it must be okay. You take care.