This is one of those *I've had just about enough, thank you* sort of days. Woke up expecting nothing, which means I fully figured that none of my prayer requests would be answered today. Yeah, it's a grumpy pants sort of attitude, but it's mine and I'm sticking to it. And so far haven't been disappointed in my prophetic perspective on the day. How's that for being ungrateful for even the smallest of blessings?
Anyway, today being, what the kids call, Nana Day, we put her groceries in the truck and hightailed it over to my mom's at about 11am. Was available if she needed help while she bathed, and then I rolled her hair. Then had to get gas for her mower and for her car, plus had forgotten something on her grocery list and had to make a trip to the drugstore for that. Yeah, still grumpy pants. See, I have this amazing capability to always forget something on the list for the store EVEN when I have it all written down. Must be I have this selective blindness when it comes to actually reading the list. That's all I can figure.
So, the resounding result of all of this anger/fussiness/angst/exhaustion/frustration is that I'm absolutely aching for a blessing that's big enough to make me gasp. Doesn't really matter what it is, but the Lord's sweet voice is very silent to me just now and I need to hear it. And I'm not that grumpy but that I'm able to listen. Know what I mean?