Tuesday, April 26, 2011

She's about to bloooooooooooooow

"Moses' arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset."~Exodus 17:12

Feeling very Moses-like in my meager human sort of way.  Needing the love of folks praying.  Discouragement is rearing its head and I'm just plain tired of praying day in and day out for the same things and seeing nuthin'.

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life."~Psalms 13:12

Yeah, woke up in a whiny mood, not able to see much further than the front of my face.  Feeling anxious though I'm not supposed to, and realizing that God's blessing is nearer every day because of the enemy upping his attacks.  Apparently he (old one of the fork-ed tongue) can see things that I can't, and is poking Gary and me in our sides, wanting us to give up.  

I can't imagine how parents feel who have an ill child who's dealing with a terminal-type sickness.  Praying for health in those instances must be so exhausting.  I am thankful that I'm praying for work for Gary's shop and not about something dreadful.  Waiting for God in any situation is trying, and a test of faith I'm never quite keen on.  I pitch my fits and continually admire my husband who never questions God, though he gets mighty frustrated.  I'm more of a kid who's having a tantrum, sometimes losing a bit of respect for my elders and stomping my feet (theoretically speaking, of course). 

Looking forward to a hearty exhale.