A bit of this and a little bit of that
- I can count around 10+ houses I've seen that have trees laying on top of them, all within a 2 mile radius of our house
- Gary's in the backyard now, having fixed our roof with the friend, looking at our huge oak and trying to figure out how to trim part of it down
- We get nervous when the wind blows strong
- Told Gary today, though, that while a lot of trees fell, that the majority of them didn't---my brand of twisted logic, I guess
- Change of subject
- Was finally able to buy the April copy of Romantic Homes magazine with Lidy's French Garden House in it---I visit her blog and think that she's awfully sweet
- Speaking of folks I know---my extra-special friend, Patricia, has new blog pages open at: Picturing Plants (my personal favorite, I admit), Picturing Birds, and Picturing Angels. Lovely pictures, and showing an incredible amount of research on Patricia's part
- Oldest daughter bought me a copy of the Mosaic Bible (in imitation leather, but you'd think it was real)---and it's SO pretty
- Considering going to River Jordan's book signing tonight if the time works out---she's so cool. Her new book is called 'Praying for Strangers: An Adventure of the Human Spirit'. There's a video of her talking about the book there at Amazon as well. She commented on my blog back in January, so I feel a special affection for her writing :)
- Tyndale Publishers has 3 free e-books available for download for the month of April
- Must go rest now. About time to go fetch the kids at my mom's, and I need to chill for a bit beforehand