Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mid-weak (or should it be Mid-week?) :)

The title of this post---my play on words, trying to be less in control.  We'll see how that flies.

Had downloaded a free Linda Dillow (unknown to me before) book onto my Kindle awhile back, but hadn't opened it up until last night.  Perfect timing.  She says something about making a list of positives and negatives in your life and seeing which list is longer.  Gulp.  I just know if I did that, that the bads (in my mind) would out-weigh the good.  Who's kidding who here?  I should be ashamed.  The thing is, I get so overworked by money issues.  If the bills are late being paid, then I get so anxious.  Being self-employed has complicated that matter.  Imagine not having a weekly salary to depend on, knowing that the same housenote/utilities/telephone/etc. will be due as they are for everyone.  Imagine not knowing if there will be money for groceries or any other incidentals and if you can get your head there, then you live in my world.  It ain't always comfortable.

But it is certainly a testing ground for faith.

Read these quotes from Dillow's book, 'Calm My Anxious Heart:  A Woman's Guide to Finding Contentment'.

"...let Me be the Blessed Controller.  Surrender.  Accept my timing.  Accept my ways.  Accept my outcome.  Let your trust be in Me alone."

"It's our 'helping God out' that leads to an anxious heart.  When we take over and try to control what happens, we take our focus off of the One who is in control and put our eyes on our circumstances."

Absolutely.  And these things are exactly what I need to work on.

Well (dusting off hands), now I feel that I have a tiny grip on my problem, but have to apply what I'm learning anew.  Thankful for a tiny glimmer of sun showing through, and that we made it through last night's storm okay.  We saw another tree down on a house a couple of blocks away, but it seemed to go through the side part of the house, and not straight through the main living area.  Goodness.  Life is certainly full of drama now.  Sure puts a believer slap in the Father's lap, doesn't it?

(thanks to my sweet friend, Bonnie, who sent me the sidebar graphic 'all shall be well'.  a worthy reminder)