Friday, April 29, 2011

A slowing down sort of day

Hadn't done any heavy duty vacuuming in awhile---long enough that a wasp I'd killed in the living room window and that had fallen behind the sofa was covered in dust.  Not proud of my lousy housekeeping skills, but that's the way of it.  Least it looks better today.  And re-arranging the furniture is always refreshing.

Feeling better inside (meaning inside of me, not necessarily inside the house), and I keep telling folks here at home that the state of the house is directly related to the state of my mind.  A clean house signifies a settled heart.  I'm not any wiser than I was at the beginning of the week, but am reminding myself that a life of faith is hard work.  Well, in the way that I have to keep calling to mind certain Scriptures, and have to continually surrender my worries.  Habits really are hard to break, and fretting has had become my daily companion.  It's nice to be able to let it go.  Not easy, but nice.

So, might rent a movie at Redbox tonight---thinking about a Colin Farrell/Ed Harris (who both tickle my fancy) one called 'The Way Home' that looks pretty good on the trailer.  And with it not being a girlie movie, Gary ought to go for it....he gets a guy movie and I get to watch the guys.  We both win.  And no, I didn't really say that.  Enjoy the rest of your day. :)

(not feeling quite as worn out as the woman in the photo, but she makes me smile nonetheless)