Trying to get my head into the place of the disciples oh so many years ago. Not easy, and don't for one minute believe I can experience their pain. Yet I feel distracted and have been cleaning in preparation for...........something, I guess. When I get distressed, the cleaning and tidying begins, and Gary knows the warning signs of me being overwhelmed. I scrub. So today the curtains are down, washed and hanging in the sun to dry. Am changing them around so that the visuals in the living room/dining room are a bit different.
Anyway, not so much into bunnies and chicks this season, but am more focused on the seriousness of Easter than I ever have been. Maybe because the Lord has been clung to even more so, here lately. The worldly sides of life are a bit more unsteady with the tragedies that have played out with earthquakes, tsunamis and tornadoes (felt a bit too close to home), along with many folks feeling the sting of work-related problems. Life feels more fragile, and as a result, needs to be paid more respect. So no frivolousness in my head now.
But to not be a party pooper, have bought small things for the kids for tomorrow morning. The Easter baskets will be a tiny bit meager, but will still be present. Our dinner will be tonight rather than tomorrow, because second son, who is a grilling cook at a restaurant, wants to cook out for us tomorrow as he and his co-worker brother have been given tomorrow off---even the whole restaurant is taking the holiday. Joy. Just sorry that oldest son has to work this weekend, though. Otherwise I'd have all my chickens at home.
But contentment in the air, nonetheless. Just today. Just this minute. Just now.
(photo by my woodboy)