Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday afternoon

  • Alone at home.  Pugs snoring.  Fans slowly spinning, and a/c coming on rarely since it's cooler today as well.
  • Saw The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel with oldest daughter last night.  Delightful.  And with Bill Nighy in it, a double pleasure.  I'd watch him dust furniture, I like him so much.  He has a way about him, that's for sure.
  • Chicken cacciatore (or as I tend to say---kitchen chakatory) simmering in my big blue pot.  Sunny skies with the potential of rain again.  Just a tiny sprinkle yesterday, but I'm hopeful for more today.  
  • Had to take my new, Mother's Day, Fuschia out of the pot to dry out.  Seems I was watering it too much, which is not uncommon, it seems.  Got some new potting soil, and it's perking up.  I feel like such a black widow in terms of plants, sometimes.  I buy, they die.  Not the way it used to be.  Seems I've lost my touch...well, not all the time.  Just with new stuff.
  • But I bought a Lucky Bamboo and it still lives.  'Course it's in water, so hard to over-love that sort of plant.  But do I feel extra lucky?  Not so sure.  Just trying to keep up my Zen, you know.
  • Kids at my mom's.  She's having a bit of a hard day with aches and pains, but the kids are a good distraction.  They tidy for her, do the vacuuming and all around keep her occupied with their noise.  A good thing, I think.
  • About to put away the last of the groceries and then will read.  And that's all I got.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


A teasing headache at the left of my brain.  Pug Daisy at my feet.  The least one heating up a can of ravioli.  Rain in the forecast and a Susan Hill mystery to finish. Leftover spaghetti for dinner and nowhere to go.  The house is reasonably clean and not anything pressing to worry about.  Now, time for a nap.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Late Tuesday afternoon

Took the four youngest to the library.  Got home, only to have to leave immediately to take third son to work.  Then had to run to the drugstore and then grocery.  While in line to pay at grocery store, got hit with flashing lights in my left eye---the zig-zaggy kind that precedes my migraines.  As the sweet lady was scanning my things, whipped out of line to get some of that good powdered headache remedy.  Love that stuff.  Only problem is taking it with a soda and having it fizz down my t-shirt.  I tend to be sort of a pigpen anyhow, so not out of character.

Anyway, kids unpacked the groceries at home, I went to bed and am marginally better.  If I get too busy, the zig-zags come back. Too much heat, too many things to do, yet happily---a library book in my future.

Can stay at home tomorrow and take it easy.  You just never know what's going to set things off, now, do you?  Must stop with the busyness.

('reading by the window' by charles james lewis)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday night

Three youngest three finished weeding the vegetable garden just before dark.  Second son, who planted everything, said he'd pay them to weed.  Instant enthusiasm!  In about a 6x4' area we have 3 watermelon plants, about 7 tomatoes, a few peppers, a sizable basil, and a cilantro plant that is bypassing everything.  Isn't that the way? Only 2 of us (including me) like cilantro, but it's doing better than anything.

And a nice morning at church.  The least one went with me, and it was funny---after the service a woman came up to us from the choir and commented on the least one's hair.  It's short and in sort of a wedge-cut in the back.  Her hair is thick and a bit wavy and a dream to cut.  Anyway, this woman said how she really liked it and as we were talking, a few other women came up.  I've not gotten that sort of attention the whole time I've been out there.  (Note to self:  take small child to events)  Anyway, the least one met another little girl who is also 10, and they invited her to Sunday School, which ironically enough is off session for the summer.  I jokingly (not so much) said that being that it begins in the fall, we have time to work up our courage.  Now I have the possibility of some women friends to think about, and an opening for our kids to meet folks too.  One at a time, it seems. This is all good, and slowly gained, which is perfect, since I tend to take most things very slowly.

Now looking forward to seeing oldest daughter.  She's been out all day with the Indians doing family stuff.  Will be wonderful to have all my chickens home for dinner tomorrow---glad sweet Indian boyfriend's family celebrated today.  Beyond being thankful for having my family around me tomorrow, just chillin'.

(painting called 'from the garden' by jules alexis muenier---courtesy of pinterest)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Late Saturday night

The Anne Tyler book, The Beginner's Goodbye, was a winner.  Very sweet and par for the course for Tyler.  I think I've read all of her work and always come away happy.

Now getting into holiday weekend mode.  Took youngest of brood to the mega Presbyterian church tonight and will play like an Anglican in the morning.  I'm telling you---the quietness of the Anglican service, plus the worshipful mindset sure do make it appealing.  I've nothing against praise music, but the noise does get distracting, as in the mega church---but what can I say, the two youngest of my boys enjoy it.  Can't say as I blame them, but sometimes the old ways are way more attractive to me.

Will get into another book before bed and settle my mind.  With tweaking my vitamins/herbal supplements again, I think I've hit on a combination that feels good.  Not as agitated and calmer for longer periods of time.

Hope your weekend is sweet.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Library trip and so on...

Went to pick up my new glasses, and stopped at the library on the way back.  Happily, two books I've been wanting to read were there just waiting for me.  The Lola Quartet by Emily St. John Mandel (which is all the rage in some circles...not sure why) and Anne Tyler's newest called The Beginner's Goodbye.  Love Anne Tyler, and already am enjoying that one.  Also picked up a couple of Susan Hill's---more in her Simon Serrailler mystery series.  Now, if I can get everyone to leave me alone for a few days, I'll be in high cotton!

But, tomorrow have already promised to take middle daughter out to lunch, and she wants oldest daughter to go as well.  The least one already had her lunch date, so will be at home with the boys.  Middle daughter is sort of put out at the cost of the Justin Bieber tickets for the concert that will be here in July, so a distraction will be a good thing.  Our online hunting shows that the cheapest tickets are just under a hundred bucks for the highest/farthest away located seats and the best ones on the floor are selling for....get this....just over $2,600.00 a piece.  Nobody's worth that sort of money.  Nobody.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday afternoon

Feeling the need for a change.  The saying I've quoted recently, 'a change is as good as a rest' is a valid one for me.  Glad school's out.  Happy for summer to be just now beginning. Relieved that Gary has lots of work in the shop, and that he's done with FedEx.  And thoughts winging their way into my head as to how to manage (and I use that term loosely) the coming three months of no-schooling responsibilities so that I/we have fun and don't feel overwhelmed.

I have the urge to purge.  To get rid of clutter that sits and sits.  To lose weight in both the house and my own self.

And I don't want to have to make any lasting decisions.  The rector made a passing comment at church Tuesday morning related to church membership.  I'd said to him that Gary asked if I was ready to join.  I told Gary that I'd not do that unless he wanted to as well---seems we should do that together, if at all.  They both acknowledged that that was fine.  But I'm not ready to commit, and that's okay too.  I love that I can participate without the membership decision hanging over me.  It seems a big deal anyway with the Bishop being involved.  I'm sort of a low-key person.  If things get to seeming complicated, then I usually run the other way.

Anyway, just going to take each day as it comes.  This coming weekend will enjoy thinking about things.  Rest, no obligations, and Memorial Day on Monday to look forward to.  Second son will grill out and we'll have minor (meaning 'no fuss' and easy to be with) company to visit. He's invited two of his guy friends from church, but not sure if they'll both come.  Would love for sweet Indian boyfriend to be here, but we'll have to see.  His folks are big into family get-togethers, so he might be busy with them.  Seems a trend with Indian families---they do lots and lots of entertaining amongst themselves.

But tonight is a pretty easy plan.  Cooking breakfast steaks in the iron pot to make into beef stew.  It cooks quicker than other cuts of meat and isn't quite as expensive.  Some white potatoes/celery/carrots if we have some, and bouillon will make it dishy.  With our oven out (have to whack on the underside of it in the broiler to make it light), not sure if we can get it to turn on for biscuits.  Again, that's not a big deal.

Must hush now.  Getting way too wordy.

(photo by my woodboy)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


So, oldest daughter came into our bedroom to talk before taking her shower.  I wanted to remind her about her vitamins, and asked if she'd kept up taking her iron.

She:  "No, not so much lately."
Me:   "You need to use your brain and remember."
She:  "Well, I usually keep it wrapped up in a napkin."

I laughed so needed after a worrisome day.  As you can figure out, she wraps up her vitamins in a napkin to take to work, and she has them with her lunch.  Doesn't look like what she said, though!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cool and sunny outside

Went to prayer services at church this morning and was one of only three people there.  I'd never gone to this service, so was pleasantly surprised. And being that I'm not into crowds, it was perfect.  They follow the Morning Prayer in the Book of Common Prayer, and it was sweet.  Simply that.

As I left, the rector (who seems to be very special himself) asked if he'd given me a prayer book before.  I said no and expected him to go get a monthly devotional, or something I'd used in other churches.  Well, he came out with a Book of Common Prayer, the same version in the pews---but not a hardback, but a bendy-pretend-leather sort of cover.  Such a treat.  I really was blown away.

Then we talked a minute about what sort of church our family is used to---just bits of learning to know us.  And as I left, the rector said that if I come back on Thursday, for the other morning prayer service of the week, I can expect a crowd.  Maybe 4-6 folks.  :)

Set a good tone for the rest of the day.  I came home, took a nap and will go out with second son in awhile.  He wants me to join him in looking at things at a restaurant supply store here.  Might be able to find a new teacup---always game for that.  But, trivia first.  Do you know why chef's shirts are double-breasted?  It's so when the shirt gets dirty on the top, it can be re-buttoned opposite to cover up the stains.  I never knew that.  As to the restaurant store---second son is going to buy himself a couple more of those very shirts.  So cool.  I wouldn't mind one myself.  Would look great as a jacket.

Must go.  Enjoy your day.

Monday, May 21, 2012


A quiet house.  Husband is at his shop, and oldest son had to leave for work at 5:30am.  The rest are at home, in various stages of in-bed-ness.  I realize it's late in the morning, but our restaurant boys didn't get home until after midnight.  Lots of folks having dinners for graduating children, so they had to work later than usual.  Oldest daughter's day off is Monday, so she continues to snooze.  The little girls are following suit. And in case anyone wonders---we're now out of school for the summer.  ::happy dance::

I'm just enjoying being alone with my thoughts (which I realize will be brief...both my time and thoughts).  The dogs are slung out in the living/dining room napping and the neighborhood is mostly silent as well.  I heard the mail lady snap our mailbox lid just now, and a dog barks listlessly across-the-street, but that's all the noise.  Well, that and the hum of my laptop fan.

Think I'll turn off the a/c and raise some windows.  The temperature is in the low 70's now and it seems a shame to not enjoy it.  Will start the second load of clothes, hang out the first one and keep an eye out for rain. Supposedly we're likely to get some, but no matter, we had a dandy downpour last night just before the boys got home.  We got well-drenched.  Our tiny vegetable garden patch and the newly planted flowers say thank you.

Will go now.  Nothing hanging fire, and I can stay home and putter around to my heart's content.  I noticed the firetruck/ambulance at our elderly neighbor's house about a hour or so ago.  I mentioned him here recently and he'd just gotten home from the hospital last week. Bummer.  Least he was sitting up on the gurney when they wheeled him out the front door. That situation is the only one on my mind, but won't fret over it.  He's in good hands.

Enjoy your day and do something fun (reminder to self).

(painting by berthe morisot)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

On a hot Sunday afternoon

My main squeeze went to the Anglican church with me this morning---his second visit.  That was nice.  Funny too since a woman who sat behind us is one of his woodworking customers. He actually repaired a sewing table for her this past week.  A small world, for sure.  And the church had their annual outdoor picnic after church and I think Gary was actually game for it. I was hesitant, so we came home, but cool to see enthusiasm on his part.  He's more comfortable with crowds (not that this would be a huge crowd, by any means), but I tend to get squirmy. He did say that if you want to get involved, then you've got to participate.  He was using 'you' in the universal sense, and I wasn't sure if he was wanting to get to know folks better or if he was directing me to.  Guess I'll have to ask him.

About to go to my mom's to pick up the leftover pizza from yesterday's lunch.  Meanwhile a pork roast simmers in the crock pot and likewise some Boston baked beans are going to town in our cast iron pot.

And as I meander on, my brain continues to be in a holding pattern, trying to get used to not doing schoolwork, thinking on summer sorts of things, and attempting to get into chill mode. Harder than it looks.

Finally, for those of you west of the Mississippi, look out for the solar eclipse at sundown. We'll get a smattering of it---partial, I'm thinking---at our house, just east of the river.  Might be fun.  Truly, anything out of the ordinary is a bit of a treat.

(must work on sentences with more words and words with more than two syllables---might need adult company more often)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Evening's muddled thoughts

Missing my friend, Patricia, (at this very minute) who recently passed away, and needing her advice.  Am researching Catholic books on St. Benedict, and am finding that I'm having to pave my own way.  I've depended on Patricia for many years for her clear head.  Nuts.

And thinking of what I want to focus on this summer, and I know it includes a beautiful journal my dear Tina sent me as a treat from her recent trip to Paris.  It'll be my summer book.  The watercolors will be dusted off, my art bag filled with this journal and brushes and h-o-p-e-f-u-l-l-y I'll be able to fill it with wonderment. That's the plan, and whether or not it takes shape is on me, but still---fun to think about.

But for now am tired, just browsing for books online to use my gift card on, and being lazy. Weary after our last, scrabbledy week of school.  We just sort of trickled out.  Energy left and our motivation with it.  Now will address my need to get to bed early this evening, and sort of excited at some books I loaded on my Kindle earlier. Old stuff, which is always fun, especially when it's free.  But what I really want to read is The Great Gatsby and it's not free on Kindle, as it's still in copyright mode.  Must look through our dusty bookshelves to see if we have the copy from my mom's house.  Maybe I nabbed it at some point.  If not, will dig into some E.M. Forster---maybe Where Angels Fear to Tread or The Celestial Omnibus, which I got tonight. We'll see.

(painting by Henriette Browne, A Girl Writing, 1870)

Saturday morning

Going to my mom's in about an hour for a family lunch.  One of my brothers is in town for a wedding (his sister-in-law) and everybody will be there.  EVERYbody.  His kids/grandkids, my other brother, our kids (most of 'em), and my mom will be all over the place in an emotional way.

I don't do so good with the obvious expressions of affection.  I'm more like my dad was---reserved and able to give you a hug, but then will, pretty much, let you alone.  Not into small talk or chatting for chatting's sake.  Would rather eat and leave as soon as possible.  But not possible with family there.  An escape isn't always available and sometimes I've got to be an adult and suck it up.

This sounds so pathetic.  Family together and a wonderful opportunity for my mom to have everyone together at once, but still, I find it hard.  If there wasn't the gasping and over-expressions of affection (that always strike me as fake), then it'd be better.  Hope my tattoo can be a non-issue.  My mom still isn't aware and not sure what she'll say when she finds out! Might wear my new wristwatch so as to keep it hidden.  But I old am I?  Oh me.

Glad I didn't marry into an expressive family.  They're more like me.  Glad to see you, but after that, you're on your own.

UPDATE:  A good afternoon.  Nice to see everybody, and a treat to see a new baby.  Yeah, I can be a grump, but that's okay too. :)

Friday, May 18, 2012


Middle daughter is mixing up waffle batter.  We're sort of out of groceries to make dinner, so this is our last resort.  Unlike many families, my kids are indifferent to waffles and pancakes. Other folks look longingly at a plate of these and drool.  Mine ask when I'm going to the store next.

Just doesn't figure, does it?  And, heck.  We have some real maple syrup and real butter too.  I think they'd rather just eat the butter.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday afternoon

Sitting here ALONE in the house with only dogs/bird for company.  Everyone here with fur is asleep and the central air is working a treat.  Finally after a whole lot of cool days, it's hot enough to have the air on. The younger of my brood are at my mom's and the older ones are working.  Restful.

Might work up some energy to pot/put in ground some of my Mother's Day flowers in a bit.  With flats of petunias, impatiens, and lantana I have plenty of keep me busy. Bought some bags of Miracle-Gro soil today on the way back from my mom's, and have a box of their fertilizer, so should be all set. Just need to do it.

Feeling sort of in a no-fly zone with my mood.  I think I'm a bit burned out and need to rest my brain.  Just visited a couple of Christian women's sites online (not folks I know) and remember how I dislike their preachy dialogue.  I used to fall into the group of young women (when I was one) who idolized those who were walking a tidier path than I do.  They'd be swallowed up in sheep following them, and I figured that if their lives were so neat and ordered, then I needed to follow suit.  Frustration soon followed me because I couldn't keep up.  Now I don't even try. All the well-groomed Christian women out there can just preach on.  I just won't be attending their hooplah.  Besides, they just look so perfect.  I realize their lives probably don't look that neat in person, but they sure do put up a public front like they are.  I don't need the aggravation.

Now will go take a load out of the washer and hang them up outside.  Our neighbors are in their houses and not out being noisy, so I can enjoy the quiet.  Will wander from room to room putting things away, will do the dishes in the sink that got left their this morning, and might even change the bag in the vacuum.  Such mundane tasks are relaxing when it's quiet and nobody's talking.  No hurries, just puttery stuff.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday dinner-time

About to get things ready for dinner.  Just sandwiches and chips---easy food for a busy day. A few of my brood went with me to get groceries---ours and my mom's.  She's going to have company this weekend, and we got her some extra things she needed and will go over there tomorrow to whip her house into shape.  But honestly, for her being 83, you'd never know that she rarely has help with the housework.  She really keeps things nice, and puts my own housekeeping skills to shame.  No kidding.  'Course not to beat myself up too much---I do live with 9 other humans, plus four dogs and one bird, while she's alone.  There is a difference in mess-making, I guess.

And on Monday bought some more tea at the Middle Eastern grocery around the corner.  Got Ahmad's Imperial Blend, which is wonderful.  And at $6.99/pound of loose tea, a bargain for sure.  And a real comfort at certain times of day. I make a small pot of it in the morning and have a cup in the afternoon to make me sit down.  Usually when I do that Daisy the pug sits in my lap, giving me no excuses to stand up again.  Lap dogs are great for making a person rest. You just don't want to make them get up!

Looking forward to having some alone time when I leave the kids at Mom's tomorrow, though, and that'll be nice.  I need a dose of my own company.  And no talking.  I do love the silence so.

Oh, and wanted to put in an interview a sweet guy did on Gary regarding his new woodworking adventure.  You can find it here.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday afternoon

Stayed in from church yesterday, since my two youngest girls seemed in need of mom-time at home.  You'd think they'd get enough of it, but when they heard I was considering going to church Sunday morning, the least one especially asked if we could stay home.  So, instead we spent a cozy morning at the house, and everyone was sweet in a gift-giving way.  Mother's Day turns into a sort of second birthday.

Would have enjoyed the Beating of the Bounds service, but since third son went there, I was able to hear about it vicariously through him.  He said it was done inside rather than outside since the rain made everything too wet.  Not fun traipsing outside when it's all drizzly.  Love that the rector there enjoys bringing back the old traditions. It's obvious that some of the members are a bit new to his choices as well, but seems to be a good thing all around.  There were readings and really, there's not much to say.  But it was a blessing of the property, and third son said it was in the old days a blessing of the harvest.  Love that.

And still reeling at the work Gary's got to do in the shop.  Overwhelmed.  Hugely blessed. Struck at God's timing.  God's grace is just that---Grace.  Can't earn it or hold your mouth right.  You can cross all your t's and dot your i's, but still, it's His choice.  But even so, I scratch my head at His decisions.  Puts it all into His hands when things fall into place.  We can think we're either influencing things or controlling them, but the bottom line is that He is. Simple that.  He Is.

(photo source unknown)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Late Saturday afternoon

About to go into the kitchen and warm up some jars of Alfredo sauce.  The least one will mix up some coleslaw to go with that, and with the sauce over some curly noodles, we'll call it dinner.  An easy, yummy meal.

Trying to set my mind into chill mode.  With money in the bank FINALLY, the mood shifts into a more restful place. Such worrying goes on with money woes.  It's so easy to allow that mindset to overtake everything.  I realize that believers are supposed to have the faith to see beyond hardships, but it's darn hard for me, and really, I won't apologize for it.  Thankful for a respite, which I hope and pray will be lengthy....neverending, perhaps?!??!

And the weather is cooperating in a sweet way. I'm in bed now with pug Daisy at my side. The window is up and it's been raining off and on for awhile. The temperatures are cool and just perfect. I really couldn't ask for anything more.

As an aside, just looked online at the church's service tomorrow and it will include something called a Beating of the Bounds.  Seems I'm learning something new all the time, but really relish these old traditions.  They really do speak to my heart, and can't really tell you why, but they just do.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Good news

Work's coming in.  Gary sold one of his wood vapors---the one called 'Twisty' to a guy in Germany, and while we wait for the funds to come to our bank via PayPal, we package up this little treasure.  Gary's slipped in a hand-made scoop as well, to pad the deal.  The only fly in the ointment, so to speak, is soothing this customer, who's apparently never used PayPal like this, so that he knows we're for real.  He's anxious to get a tracking number, but we can't supply one until the money clears.  Anyone who's used eBay (not that we're selling there) knows this, but again....this guy seems to be a novice.  Everybody's in a hurry these days, aren't they?  And being suspicious is the norm.   I totally understand where this guy is coming from, but hope he can hang on.

AND (the ultimate happy dance), the woman who wanted the 3 beds built told Gary yesterday that, not only, does she want the beds, but actually wants 5 built, not 3---plus a bathroom cabinet and 2 end tables.  He gave her the bid late yesterday afternoon, and while she said it sounded fine to her, still needed to check with her husband.  Looks like after a wild ride at FedEx for the last 9 months, it's time to be serious woodworkers again.

Glad to have my woodboy back.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Grumpy pants

Finally getting a bit quiet in the neighborhood. Finally. The noise level rises sometime before lunch at one house across the street with (oftentimes) arguing inside their house, spilling out to their front porch. And it's not even the older woman and her son who's her grown children and grandchildren who visit and get angry with one another. Lots of traffic, so much so that some of the neighbors have asked if they're running a half-way house over there. Hmmm, not a good impression to leave, I don't think. 'Course it's not that way everyday, but often enough that I crave the quiet of sitting outside. I miss it. And at another house across from us on the other side (we live on a corner), the kids play outside after dinner and draw quite a crowd. And sometimes their dad puts speakers outside the front door and treats us to hip-hop. They had a yard sale recently, and I've not noticed the speakers since then. Maybe they sold them. I can only hope.

Yeah, I can be a grouch.

But the thing is that our house is loud enough inside with the kids talking ninety to nothing. I go outside to get a break from the racket. And gardening out there at sunset is, pretty much, not going to happen. There's a constant audience. And the kids at the second house come over every week to borrow something. I might have mentioned before that one time they knocked on the door, holding a pair of tennis shoes and asked if we wanted to buy them. What? Am I living in a wild nightmare? Was I asking for tennis shoes? When Gary looked at them in disbelief and said 'no', they set up a small table by their driveway, put the shoes on it and tried to flag down folks driving by. No kidding. Last week they wanted to borrow our lawn mower. Can't wait to see what'll be next. Oh no. Hold on. I can wait. And just think. School ends in a few weeks and the children will be home all day unsupervised. This story just gets richer.

If it was possible, I'd plunk a sign in our yard and sell this house. Financially it's not feasible, and sadly I'm not coping well with the constant activity and noise. Must find my sense of humor in this situation, but it might be difficult.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Wooden stuff

New stuff Gary's been making. With him going off of smoking (has almost quit entirely), he's gotten into e-cigarettes. You can find basic ones in drugstores, which look sort of like a writing pen, but are costly in the long-term at about ten bucks a pop. They only last a pack's worth as well---about twice the money a real pack of smokes would cost. Anyway, he's met some neat folks online who've also gone to the 'no-smoke, only nicotine' world and has found some very creatively made e-cigarettes. I realize this is new information for lots of folks and some of you are probably scratching your heads, wondering what the heck I'm talking about. Suffice it to say that a user can buy flavored juices, with nicotine (in different strengths) and stay away from the evil smoke. Water vapor copies the smoke from a regular tobacco cigarette, without the harm. It really is an amazing idea for folks who have a tough time quitting smoking.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday afternoon

Planning tomorrow today.  Truck acting up (it alternately doesn't want to start and then pretends to problems, most likely) and maybe it IS heat teasing with it, but is a necessary excuse to not get out and about on Monday.  Glad of that.  Since one son and I visited our sick elderly neighbor in the hospital yesterday, we'll have to send our regrets about not visiting tomorrow.  Apparently the doctors are saying he has diverticulitis, but has a leaky heart valve as well.  In his nineties, none of this is a surprise, but still....concerning.

Think I'll get the kids' schoolwork together tomorrow morning that'll cover the whole week. Usually we do a day-to-day schedule, but with more cleaning staring me in the face, it'd be nice to set them loose to do their work alone.  Besides, youngest son has a HUGE pile of drawing books he's drooling over and it'd be fun for him to have more time.  He's so great about getting his school tasks finished quickly---this could work to an advantage for all of us. Stay at home to putter and self-taught kids.  I'm liking the sound of that.

Thankful that we have healing kids as well.  Got smacked with more sickness over the past few days, and wondering if the fifth disease struck again, but until the rash hits after the cold symptoms, you just don't know.  But today is good.  Everyone seems better.

And I'm in a relaxed frame of mind.  Feeling a bit of calm in my head and looking forward to The Amazing Race finale and Sherlock tonight. And I wish you could see the twinkle in Gary's eyes about not having to go to FedEx tomorrow night.  The fun husband is back.  Goodness, we've missed him!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday night

So, I was looking forward to using my new broom and mop today.  Really.  Wanted to tackle the dirt in this house (caused all these humans and dogs) and get the never-ending piles of clean laundry folded and put away.  Instead this morning I got a call from the daughter of an elderly neighbor about her dad (the neighbor) who had to call 911 this morning at around 4:30am.  His daughter had just left for a holiday out-of-state with her husband.  What timing! Anyway...he had a bleeding problem, and they rushed him to the hospital.  My job for this morning was to go to his house with fourth son (who helps out a couple of days a week cleaning and helping out over there) and clean up after the paramedics.  Not enjoyable in the least, but glad to do it so the family doesn't have to bother. You know, it's just what you do. Doesn't have to be fun, but folks do for one another.

Anyway, my new broom does have the plastic off of it, but the mop still leans pristinely against the wall still wrapped up.  I was talking to God at my nap-time, which I was able to squeeze in for about 45 minutes late this afternoon---and got to wondering how it's possible to actually catch up.  I'd like to freeze the rest of the world just long enough to get my nest tidy.  Ain't happening, but I'm optimistic that possibly tomorrow is the day.  Commence eye rolling.

In other news, at this very moment, Gary's on his last night's duty at FedEx.  We're having a celebratory dinner on Sunday, complete with pie.  Joyous day.  And tomorrow I don't have to leave the house, unless something unexpected crops up.  Hopefully the hospital will be able to locate the issue with our neighbor, and with him in his 90's, this happens, but still, it's worrying.  In a holding pattern in regards to him, but as my dear Patricia reminded me of one time....what she said went something like this---"Live your life, not someone else's.  It's okay to be concerned, but not to the point to where another person's drama becomes yours."  I do so miss her wise words.

Enjoy the beginning of your weekend.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Bought a few bedding plants the other day outside a drugstore I like to poke around in.  I got Profusion Coral Pink Zinnas and Derby Melampodium.  I'm thinking they'll be happy together, especially since they're both sun-lovers and will look a treat near our over-abundance of Black-Eyed Susans which take over every summer.  I haphazardly planted them in an alternate sort of pattern---trying to not be too precise since our flower beds/garden tends to have a naturalized look. We're not into cutting our bushes into balls or squares, but let them do their own thing. Same with the flowers.  I have lots and lots of perennials and herbs and, over the years, they've spread and taken over parts of the beds---crowding out the less extroverted flowers to make way for themselves.  I leave a few areas, however, bare of perennials so I can have my annuals that are favorites.  Really glad I got the pink zinnias.  I do adore pink.

But anyway, so happy to have them all in the ground.  I was outside at around 9pm tonight, bringing in some towels from the lines and looked up and saw how full the moon was looking. Got all flustered a minute, thinking of the bedding plants and wanting them planted before the moon was full---while it was still waxing.  Close call.  The moon will be full on Saturday night---a super moon no less.  Besides, gardening to the glow of the street lamp across the street isn't anything new to me.  It's quiet then.  Our noisy 2-houses-across-the-street-worth of very busy neighbors are inside and not a bother.  They tend to stare when I'm outside puttering along, not that there's anything to look at, but still, they will do that.  At night, I don't have an audience, and if I can keep track of my trowel and flashlight (which I frequently lose and need another flashlight to find), then I do just fine.

Cleaning up a bit

Got my new broom today and even picked up a string mop and some other cleaning supplies. It's not that I'm in Spring Cleaning mode, but the broom inspired me. Plus the wretched mess we live in has gotten to the place that there's not a spot that's not disgusting. Maybe I exaggerate a TINY bit, but not really. Second son heard me belly-aching about the state of the house last night, and asked if the other kids need to pitch in some more. Really, that's the truth. While our older kids would do their chores on schedule, the younger ones who don't have outside jobs will work and help with the cleaning, but usually only when I ask them to---or have to remind them. It's not that they're lazy, either, but I think with the older (now working) kids being so in charge for so long, they've been allowed to slide a bit.  Got to get things more in a routine, because when the house is clean, my head feels settled.

I used to know a girl online named Wendy Waterbirde (not her real last name) who blogged here, at her site called A Bluebird's Table.  I've been reading her pages a lot lately, just soaking up some restful words.  She was good at that.  Not sure where she got off to, though.  We'd send letters/small packages from time to time back and forth, but I believe she moved and, as a result, we lost touch.  She's a very domestic-style writer and when I read her work, I tend to have more enthusiasm for my putterings here.

Now off to touch up some paint around the kitchen sink and maybe mop the floor.  I got some rubber gloves to keep my cut thumb dry and neglected to look at the size.  Extra large gloves weren't the right choice!  Need to go find a couple of hair elastics to hold them back. :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Began reading Susan Hill's The Various Haunts of Men last night and enjoying it immensely. Can't wait until all of my duties are done here tonight and can get into it again.  As for now (at 10 until midnight) daughter is talking to sweet Indian boyfriend on the phone, 3 boys are talking the living room since second son just got home from the restaurant, one son who's sort of sick with a cough he got at work is in bed, as is toy store manager son who's not sick but has to get up early.  The two little girls are waiting for me to tuck them in.  We're so pathetic. Do we sleep like regular folks?  Not even close!

But we get it all done, even if our hours aren't the hours of mainstream America.

If I can get it in gear tonight, would love to go to prayer at church at 8:30am tomorrow. Figured that'd be a sweet way to begin the day.  Very few show up for that, but it'd be restful, I know.  With my tendency for a fluttery, bird-like mental state, I can do with all the peaceful routines that I can find.

On that note will go.  Time to shoo the offspring to bed.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More rest

Source: via melissa on Pinterest

I have a HUGE pile of library books to tuck into tonight.  Looking forward to getting ready for bed and relaxing with them.  I just grabbed whatever had a pretty cover when youngest son and I stopped in there this afternoon.  We'll see how that plays out...I got two mysteries by someone I'm not familiar with--Marjorie Eccles, the newest M.C. Beaton mystery with Hamish Macbeth, Stephanie Nielson's (from autobiography which is very sweet...can already tell, The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen by Syrie James, The Art of Keeping Secrets by Patti Callahan Henry, This is Where We Live (picked up simply because of the pretty strawberry shortcake on the cover) by Janelle Brown, Stealing with Style by Emyl Jenkins, The Various Haunts of Men by Susan Hill (who writes a darn good spooky story), and New Indian Home Cooking by Madhu Gadia.  Can't vouch for any of them, but will give them a good look-see in a bit.

And with oldest daughter still dealing with her physical and mental exhaustion, it's a great excuse for the rest of us to slow down as well.  Her work schedule has worn her out, and her boss is content for our daughter to do most/all of the work at the small monogramming shop she owns.  It's just been too much.  I don't think it's quite right to hire someone to take the bulk of the workload, while you (as owner) come in as you please, as work piles up (because more than one person needs to do the physical work).  And oldest daughter has been too polite to speak up, figuring her boss would 'get it'.  So, a forced time off this week is taking place (condoned by her dad and me) and we're just chillin'.  I do love chillin'.  Note to self: must chill more.

Seems that too many folks push themselves to the point where they don't even know they've crossed a distinct line.  Americans are terrible about overwork.  Of course there's a lot of laziness too, but working until you drop isn't far-fetched.

So tomorrow we'll get the schoolwork finished for the day, but will finish the re-arranging I started a couple of days ago.  Sweet Indian boyfriend will be here for dinner on Friday and they'll make cupcakes (recipes from his culinary class from this week---complete with plating!) to celebrate Gary's sayonara to FE that night.  I'd like to get the main rooms all tidy before he gets here.  I realize tomorrow is only Wednesday, but with lots of sitting being done (we're chillin' remember?), it takes much longer.  Take care.