It's hard to stop and rest. So hard. Even now I'm looking ahead (stop that!) to going to the grocery store for my mom in the morning, taking the kids by her house, and scheduling third son's eye appointment. I think a personal stay/va/cation of sorts is in order, especially before we start school again. And really, none of what I do is difficult. It's just that there's so much of it. Constantly.
There's a line in Wild Child (below) I'm re-reading and it's something about how folks sometimes just need to get sick. I'll agree. Those are often the only times I stop everything. But even so, I tend to keep on going, unless sickness slams me into bed. That's what moms do, right?
"Sometimes life is too difficult to be lived. So it's better to be sick for a bit."
Maybe the quote is a slight exaggeration on my personal situation, but it's valid nonetheless. This dang heat doesn't help, though, you know? It's not quite as hot as it has been, but's hot.
Middle daughter said something to me the other day that was so curious. I was fussing aloud to myself about something I can't even remember, and she said, "You really don't give yourself much credit, do you?" Wow. That sort of remark from a thirteen-year-old will cause you to sit up straight. But she's right. I'm all about criticizing what I don't get done, and am not so generous to myself when I do accomplish something. What's up with that?
Oh well. Enough about that. Just something to attend to. Cutting myself some slack would be advantageous all around, I'm thinking.
Must go now. There are books to read and kitchen painting NOT to do today. :)
(clickable photo from pinterest)