Thursday, July 26, 2012


Someone tried to steal Gary's Suburban last night.  They also tried it with oldest daughter's pick-up but she has a metal sleeve on her steering column, so they had no luck with that. Thankfully, though, Gary has rigged his truck so anyone who wants it has to be clever.  I've never thought criminals to be clever, but just skilled enough to take stuff that's not theirs.  If they were very smart, they'd get a real job.  Our daughter knew someone had opened her truck door because she could smell cigarette smoke in it.

They must've moved on to Gary's next, because they put out their smoke on the dashboard. Couldn't take the truck, so to add insult to injury, left a burn mark.  Oh, and of course they broke the steering column on his so that now the truck has to be started with a screwdriver.  I remember those days with my old Suburban.  It got broken into, I think, 3 times.  I just got used to the screwdriver start-up and went on my way.  You can only fix things so much, then you just can't afford to bother. G's out a radio too, and they not only took it, but bent the framework around it.  It's like they were mad to not get the truck, so did as much damage as possible.  Brother.

And on it goes.  Interestingly enough, I couldn't sleep last night, finally drifting off at 3am or so.  Now I wonder if the Lord was nudging me.  I did pray for the safety of the family (since I couldn't sleep), but never thought about our vehicles---which we do pray over from time to time.  Maybe I'm out of practice.  But need to remember that it's not my fault.  It's easy to go there.

And it's tough to drop a mood that this sort of situation causes---you want to be mad, wish a bad day on the criminal and maybe throw things, preferably at the bad guy.  I found myself instead praying that guilt would overpower them today.  Might take some heavy-duty praying for that, eh?

Anyway, as Gary said a bit ago (after getting over his fury), we're blessed in spite of the violation.  Got to remember that.