Friday, July 20, 2012

Later on Friday

Oh.  Me and my updates.  All is well.  Gary's relieved that the kids are so willing to help, and he's getting some positive response tonight on the vapes he makes.  And my tattoo makes its debut down toward the end of the page. :)  Now I'm a hand model! (for what a wood vapor/vape is, see comment at end of this post)

Trying to focus on this. very. minute.  I realized the Lord wouldn't have me all scrambled up inside.  Lots on my mind, this week, and it's nice to see a weekend up ahead of me.

One thing.  Fourth son has been going through the motions of applying for a job at the Veterans Hospital here...a medical assistant of sorts....more along the lines of a clerk/receptionist job.  He heard about it several months ago, began writing a resume, and then the job was on hold.  He heard this week that it was up for folks to apply, but it had to be done by tonight.  He's like his mom in that moving fast in any direction is extremely difficult.  Not in a physical sense, but in a mental one.  We felt a hesitation about it on our parts (Gary and I), had a talk with this son, and had some concerns about a person we know getting too involved in helping him (she works at the VA), and honestly, I could feel a spirit that just didn't belong when I got to thinking about it.

Turns out, last night he decided to not apply.  Excellent news.  He's going to settle in at the restaurant job, which is still new to him.  He's not really keen on it, but we tell him it's character-building.  For now, that's all good.

Now.  Time to chill.  You take care.

(vaping is what folks do who're trying to quit/have already quit's like a nicotine patch in hand-held/battery operated form...and it's cool in that it produces a vapor that looks just like cig@rette smoke...harmless, but sorta neat...the user adds flavored liquids that contain the nicotine along with a mouthpiece which goes on the end...hope this makes sense)