Another cloudy day---temperatures in the 80's and a bit of a breather for all of us. A restful day.
Ah, in other news, as we were driving to the library this morning, fourth son mentioned church on Sunday. He said he'd likely go---it'll be his first time there with me at the Anglican church, and fifth son, who was listening in, said he'd probably go as well. I had to avoid gasping too loudly, since these two boys were very adamant awhile back about never, never going to the Anglican church. They'd been going to the mega-Presbyterian church so long and were content there, and that's okay too. The little girls, however, have talked non-stop about the folks they met recently at St. James, and with the chatter about the sweet, teenaged girls there, I'm thinking the Lord is working on my youngest boys (they're 19 and 16) in a unique way. Have learned that our kids (maybe everyone else's too) respond better when they make the decisions themselves. I'm in no hurry and it's interesting to see God work.
I'm going to the confirmation classes beginning this-coming Sunday after church. For about 1/2 an hour, the rector will give a history of the church, etc. I'm not committed to joining (and the rector said I could decide later on--this just gives me the over-view) and had told Gary I'd rather not do anything lasting without him. Asked him if it was okay with him for me to go to the classes, and he didn't mind. He'd only be bothered if I pressured him to go as well, and I know that. Doesn't make any difference to me. As of lately, he's been a bit burned-out on going anywhere, and listens to Alistair Begg while the rest of us go to church. Whatever works. There's no shame in taking breaks.
Now am cooking beans for dinner to have with wild rice and sausage. A stick-to-your-ribs dinner, sounds like. Have a pile of books to sift through, clothes in the dryer (too humid to hang outside) and hopefully, a quiet evening staring me in the face. Sounds good.
(photo from stock exchange photos)