In bed. Being quiet. My outlook for getting the cleaning behind the remaining appliances done in 2 hours was WAY too low. Still not done, but considering I'm repainting chipped paint, and the wall behind the stove does require major scrubbing, I'm not complaining about the time. Even minor spatters cling a bit too enthusiastically to the paint. Ugh.
One son reached on top of a cabinet to clean it since it's high-up and after I get up here, will tackle behind the dryer and fridge. Not excited about it, but will appreciate the afters. And seeing Gary's eyes light up when he gets home, after seeing what I accomplish is a real treat. He's very tidy, and while I'm not---to see me make an effort makes him happy. I get it.
Might reward myself with a movie online tonight. Will see if the Inspector Lewis' are still on PBS. One son bought the season, however, so if I can't get to them, he can. Treats!
Now will go. After I get the cleaning done, will put a couple of meatloaves in the oven. Mashed potatoes and English peas to go with that. And gravy. Love gravy. And will think about a pot to put my new Lucky Bamboo in. Bought it on sale at the grocery store last night for $2.00. They had been 9 dollars, and I'd been watching for them to go down in price. Might check out the Goodwill later on this week for a vintage sort of pot to put it in. Minor fun, but fun nonetheless.
Take care.
(clickable photo from pinterest)