Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday's this and that

  • just about finished re-arranging the living room...good grief, it's dusty
  • it's the only way to vacuum under everything in a way that satisfies i get inspired when stuff is moved here and there...visual stimulation
  • caught a 6th rodent in about 3 weeks time last night...will let your imagination soar as to what kind.  you'll not like the answer
  • an overcast day 
  • we didn't get any of that rain that whooshed across the South last night...just teasing sprinkles
  • but it's cooler, so can't complain too awfully much
  • dinner at sweet Indian boyfriend's family's house tomorrow night
  • and he'll come here to eat on sunday
  • we're taking key lime pie to their house, and possibly a tiny cactus as a housewarming gift
  • will be taking 6 of my offspring to the Anglican church on Sunday...tickled at that
  • the rose macaulay book is peachy
  • homemade mac and cheese with ranch beans for dinner, and what i can salvage of the lettuce
  • gary called the police last night about the truck vandalism and they actually took fingerprints
  • our neighbors were thrilled at the activity...we're like a hood-like mayberry here, i guess
  • thankful of feeling's a vicarious emotion, so will enjoy it while i can...praying it lasts
take care.