Thursday, July 19, 2012

Window after...

Just checked the weather online and saw that the heat index this very minute is 115F.  While I know it's hot, didn't know it was THAT hot. Thankful for the air conditioning working, though.  Over the weekend we developed a leak coming through the living room ceiling---the evaporator was mucked up in the attic and the a/c was clogged where the water drips to the outside.  Now will have to locate some ceiling paint in our various paint cans.  After painting the living room/dining room ceilings 2 years ago, not happy about the stain.  I will say, though, that I'm very pleased that I have a husband who will crawl around a hot attic to fix stuff.  And glad the nights were mild over the weekend.

And considering the heat, our power was knocked off at about 1am this morning when a truck hit the pole up the street.  Sadly a house across from it suffered a fire in their attic and back porch.  The rest of us had to man-up and be patient with hot houses.  I think we came out ahead.  The gas/electric guys had it fixed by about noon-ish this morning.  At the height of the hullabaloo, there were 4 fire trucks outside.  Wondering if they were afraid of a ricochet effect of the fire spreading along the wires.  Amazing, to be sure.  Never have felt safer!  Oddly enough, the guy who hit the pole (Gary saw the accident happen) whammed it super hard, but just drove away.  Left his front bumper, though.  People are so strange.

Now resting after a barely fitful night of sleep.  I think we finally got to bed at around 3am or so.  Then we all  had to get up and do it all over again.  That's the way of life, eh?  We just keep on going, no matter.

Take care, yourselves, and slip in something fun.  Still working on that, myself. :)