- church today----ah, i can breathe again---such a refreshment
- didn't take communion because of this lingering cough, but enjoyed the service
- great music, including one i'd heard there before 'in Christ there is no east or west'---gorgeous
- enjoyed having 5 of my brood with me
- there's a potluck next week---signed up for 2 things---not sure what those 2 things will be, though
- reading patricia highsmith's mr. ripley mystery series---highly recommend
- got something from reading Psalms today that hadn't ever hit me before
- was doing my daily office before church and i realized that God really does want to have a relationship with me
- He didn't just put us here to muddle along by ourselves
- duh
- some spiritual truths are lost on me until the appropriate time
- that's been happening a lot to me this month
- reading the Psalms daily really has been an eye-opener
- it's messing with my head, but in a good way
- sometime i admit to feeling like i bug the Lord when i ask for things or get frustrated over and over
- don't get me wrong, i know a relationship with the Lord is necessary---just hadn't admitted the magnitude of it until this morning
- He wants me
- really
- and i find that absolutely amazing
- asking for help is easier now because i deeply know that He *wants* to help, and always has