Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday afternoon

Wonderful church service.  Major deliciousness at church potluck.  Annual meeting afterward.  Sweetness with our priest acknowledging new members this past year, including those of us who were confirmed.  The high point to me was when he mentioned that third son of ours was the one who got our family involved in the first place---he went a couple of Sundays, asked me to go with him, and that's all she wrote.  Our priest even laughed and said that third son even came on his skateboard to church, which is true.  All true.  Too bad that son had already left so missed out on the applause they gave for him.  It really was so sweet.  

This particular son is the wild seed, or he'd like to be.  Gary tells him that there's a price to pay if you want to be awfully rebellious, which Gary well knows.  We're thinking this son believes it's a bit romantic to play the wild card, but he's really more of a wanna-be, and not really that rowdy.  Anyway, his longboard riding to church services has won him over to several of the folks at church, mostly the older members. Interesting, that.

Anyway, a sweet day at church, but we're tired now.  Will have an easy dinner garnished with some leftover fried chicken someone gave us at lunch.  More yum-ness.  And Downton Abbey to follow.  All good.