Well, the joke's on me. At least I think it is. I'd thawed one package (of three) of the moose meat, and opened it up after writing the previous post. Was all prepared to peel a roast-like cut out of the cellophane. Wrong. I turned the package into a large plastic bowl, to marinade it a bit, and was shocked to see that it was a huge bunch of liver. And yes, all three packages are the same. Considering that one son said they could grow to be a 600 lb. moose, it's likely this was one liver cut into portions. That's some big liver.
I hollered a bit, saying, "But it's LIVER!" Over and over again. The kids laughed and then asked what was for dinner.
Turns out I did fry it, like you would calf liver or chicken livers (which, incidentally, I love). Our dogs were walking through the kitchen like heaven had arrived. Our oldest and largest dog, Opal the shepherd, walked up to the oven, held her nose as far up as it'd go and with her tongue sticking out just a bit, sniffed and sniffed. She was in bliss just catching the scent. So we all tasted it and it wasn't gamey a all. Quite good, but a tad rich for my taste. The dogs all got some, and they'll have more tomorrow.
Pizza's in the oven now.