Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Okay, so I admit to being a pray-er who has tended to be 'the-house-is-on-fire' sort.  I panic and get all serious about praying for things when I'm scared.  Life begins to pinch and out comes my prayerful attitude. Pretty pathetic.


Since I've been reading Psalms morning and evening this month, my outlook has changed quite a bit.  I don't feel as desperate, and almost feel more content. It's not knee-jerk praying that I'm doing, but more deep-felt, if that even makes any sense.  It's more of a thread that weaves through my day.  And about those Psalms---The Book of Common Prayer has a set-up where the Psalms are read through completely every month.  Of course, you don't need someone to tell you how to read them, but a organized plan seems to keep me up to speed.

It also makes sense that if a person spends more time with God that they'll feel more secure.  Wish I hadn't always been such a stubborn student about that. And really, simply being a Sunday Christian isn't much help in the world these days.  Life is harder and requires a steadier faith.  Workin' on that.

Yeah, the bills are still late, and it's sometimes a daily effort to trust in that Daily Bread.  But you know, it's there.  Always.  Sometimes late, but eventually always there.  We're in a fallen world, remember.

And you know what gives me a rush?  When I ask the Lord for/about something and almost instantly the answer shows its face.  Just blows me away.  And yes, it's happened a lot lately.