Friday, January 25, 2013

Photo copyright information

Just a heads up and not meant to scare anyone.  I've read of one person I *know* of online who's being pursued by a major online photo supplier since she's used one of their photos with an expired license (which makes no sense to me, but that's not the issue).  I understand it was an oversight on her part, but still she got a letter telling her of the copyright infringement, and she was obviously shaken up about it.

Saying that to say this...I try to be careful to use 'free' photos on this site.  There are several places I usually go for photos, and while I've goofed up at times, lately I've stayed on the safe path.

Not sure how these companies actually find the photos that have been borrowed, but as a mild warning, you might want to check your own blogs to see if any photos fall into the 'not so sure' category.

Now, how to easily find and delete any questionable photos...if you have the Google toolbar...mine is a black strip that pulls up at the top of the page when I type in using Chrome.  Can't remember if you have to be logged into Google before it pops up, but nevertheless, here we go.  Under 'More' you find 'Photos', and if you're logged into Google, you'll see the photos you've used on your blog(s).  It's at the Picasa album that everyone has who uses Blogger to store their blogger photos.  Next click on a blog (if you have more than one, do them one at a time).  Then click 'Organize'.  At that page you'll be able to click on a photo, or series of photos and delete the ones that might not need to be there.  Much easier than going through your whole blog and finding them.  You will end up with a big minus sign on the post where that photo has been, but that can be cleaned up later on.

Hope this helps and doesn't end up making anyone scratch their heads too awfully much.  I know I've naively used photos before when I probably shouldn't have.  Thinking this clean-up will prevent any problems in the future.  Take care and just pay attention. :)