Tuesday, September 24, 2013

About the tea tray...

My husband and I both have little daily routines, and they might just be what keeps us sane.  He eats ice cream out of the same bowl, using the same spoon, eating the same ice cream and cookies topped with a splash of milk every night.  Like clock-work.  He says if we're even out of milk, he's sad.  It has to be the same pattern all the time.  He's done this for years.

I set up the tea tray every morning, not the night before.  Get the kettle boiling, take out my tea (currently PG Tips with cardamom added), my sweetener, whatever cup and saucer is the choice, get half and half into the little pitcher, get my stirring stick for the tea (which is a hand-carved chunky crochet hook one of the boys made me---not shown in the photo), fold a napkin, pour out my oatmeal, get a spoon and preferably a particular one.  And I add a little bowl or cup for my teabags or the tea strainer as well.  You get the idea.

It makes me feel safe.  Usually I have loose tea, but for now it's the PGTips in bags.  Not even sure if they make a loose one.  When I bought the tea, I took out some of the bags, put them into a tea tin and sprinkled on the cardamom. Tastes wonderful, a nice change from plain, old tea flavor.

Steadiness in the midst of our sometimes chaotic lives.  And it helps.  Really it does.

{57 eggs to date---3 today, so far}