Friday, September 6, 2013

This and that...good old blurry phone shots

Three photos, and not sure what order they'll fall into once I load them.  They are.....part of the room where the memorial service was in yesterday, presently being renovated.  I want you to see the coffers (look up) Gary made and youngest son helped him install.  The wall on the right will have the bookcases he's working on this very minute. Supposedly they'll be ready to install on Monday....fingers crossed. :)  And yes, wine. Those Episcopalians/Anglicans must have their wine. Hard for this former Presbyterian to get a handle on. :)

And the sparrow the least one saved from the dog's water bowl outside this morning.  The bird is presently eating gruel in a cardboard box in the fort.

And Milk looking wicked.  That's what happens when the least one gets hold of my phone and takes photos at eye-level with a chicken.

Annnnnnd, btw, there's a laptop giveaway being offered at Sarah Mae's blog via Staples.  Go here!

{egg count now stands at 10 total}